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T-Duality in the Green-Schwarz Formalism, and the Massless/Massive IIA Duality Map

机译:格林 - 施瓦茨形式主义的T-二重性,以及massless / massive IIa   对偶图



We derive a component-field expansion of the Green-Schwarz action for thetype IIA string, in an arbitrary background of massless NS-NS and R-R bosonicfields, up to quadratic order in the fermionic coordinates \theta. Using thisaction, we extend the usual derivation of Buscher T-duality rules to includenot only NS-NS, but also R-R fields. Our implementation of the T-dualitytransformation rules makes use of adapted background-field parametrizations,which provide a more geometrically natural and elegant description for theduality maps than the ones previously presented. These T-duality rules allow usto derive the Green-Schwarz action for the type IIB string in an arbitrarybackground of massless NS-NS and R-R bosonic fields, up to O(\theta^2).Implemention of another T-duality transformation on this type IIB action thenallows us also to derive the Green-Schwarz action for the massive IIA string.By further considering T-duality transformations for backgrounds with the twoU(1) isometries of a 2-torus, we give a string-theoretic derivation of thedirect T-duality relation between the massless and massive type IIA strings. Inaddition, we give an explicit construction of the D=8 SL(3,R)xSL(2,R) invariantsupergravity with two mass parameters that form a doublet under the SL(2,R)factor.
机译:我们在无质量的NS-NS和R-R声波场的任意背景下,推导了IIA型弦的Green-Schwarz动作的分量场扩展,在铁电坐标\ theta中直至二次方。使用此操作,我们将Buscher T对偶规则的常规推导扩展到不仅包括NS-NS,还包括R-R字段。我们对T对偶性转换规则的实现利用了经过调整的背景场参数化,与以前介绍的相比,该对偶性映射提供了更自然的几何形状和优雅的描述。这些T-对偶性规则使我们能够在无质量NS-NS和RR玻色子场的任意背景下推导IIB型弦的Green-Schwarz动作,直到O(\ theta ^ 2)。然后,我们还可以通过类型IIB的作用来导出大量IIA弦的Green-Schwarz动作。通过进一步考虑具有2个torus的两个U(1)对称性的背景的T对偶变换,我们给出了直接的弦理论推导无质量和大量IIA型琴弦之间的T对偶关系。另外,我们给出了D = 8 SL(3,R)xSL(2,R)不变超重力的显式构造,其中两个质量参数在SL(2,R)因子下形成双峰。



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